Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Exit From The Matrix: why is imagination rejected?
by Jon Rappoport

Instead of being viewed as a core human power, imagination is usually relegated to the status of “a toy for children.”
Upon attaining the status of “mature adult,” a person is expected to offload remnants of imagination and get down to the serious business of living.
This means fitting in, finding a niche, specializing, and “making himself useful.”
These factors eventually add up to existing in a hypnotic state.
If there is rescue, it is framed in terms of some external force that delivers a longed-for prize.
But in fact, everything a person wishes for requires action on his part—and that action emerges out of his own imagination.
Why? Because that is where new realities are conceived. That is the source of unlimited energy.
Everything else amounts to waiting around in a cosmic bus station, hoping for a ride that will provide The Answer.
Matrix is the sum of all consensus reality at all levels of mind, emotion, energy, perception, and psyche.
It is built for the purpose of stifling the creative force in every individual.

from John Rappaports Blog